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Statement: Gas isolation and repair work – Durham Road, Yarm Resolved


Statement: Gas isolation and repair work – Durham Road, Yarm Resolved

Paul Meadley Operations Manager at NGN said: “I am pleased to be able to update that the gas isolation work and subsequent repair work on Durham Road was completed late last night.

“Connection to the gas network in the area is now up and running and the one property that was directly affected will be reconnected very shortly.”

“Once again thank you for bearing with us while we carried out the important work to keep local people safe.”

For further information about the work please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.


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  • New analysis shows the Redcar Hydrogen Village, could bring over £300 million of investment and at least 300 jobs to the local area
  • Proposal would see around 2,000 homes and businesses in Redcar covert from natural gas to hydrogen, to demonstrate its use and inform Government decisions on reaching net zero
  • Participants also to receive free, brand new hydrogen appliances, energy efficiency upgrades for their homes and participation vouchers for feedback

Redcar Hydrogen Village would bring over £300 million of investment and at least 300 new jobs to Redcar and the Tees Valley, according to new analysis by Northern Gas Networks (NGN).

The implementation of the proposed Redcar Hydrogen Village, is expected to bring significant investment to the historically underfunded region over the next ten years – as well as hundreds of high-quality jobs such as hydrogen engineers, project managers and customer service representatives.

NGN’s proposal for the UK’s first ‘Hydrogen Village’ would see around 2,000 homes and businesses in the Redcar area converting from natural gas to hydrogen or an electric alternative. The Government-led project is in response to the UK’s legal obligation to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – collecting vital data on the use of hydrogen as a low-carbon alternative to natural gas for home heating and industry, and demonstrating how a large area can be converted with minimal disruption to residents.

As well as benefits to the wider area, the project is expected to benefit locals too, with all those involved in the project receiving new hydrogen appliances, free of charge and with free regular servicing and maintenance. Each home will also be eligible for up to £2,000 in energy efficiency measures like insulation, ensuring participants receive lasting benefits, and people can provide feedback on their experiences in exchange for participation vouchers.

Mark Horsley, Chief Executive of NGN, said:

“We’re stepping up to help the Government find a route to net zero that works – tackling climate change while ensuring people’s homes are kept warm and the lights are kept on.

“Hydrogen has already been used across the world and in the UK for decades, and as a low carbon option that gives all of the familiarity and comfort of gas, it has a major role to play as part of the net zero solution.

“How it benefits the local community is a priority, and we are delighted by the investment and jobs it will bring to the resident of Redcar over the next few years.”

Jacob Young, MP for Redcar and Cleveland, said:

“The benefits of a hydrogen industry here in Redcar are huge – with investment injected back into the businesses and communities we know and love, as well as hundreds of potential jobs for friends, families, and colleagues.

“Redcar has long been known for its strong industrial roots and this project presents a fantastic opportunity for our proud area to lead the country in the green revolution.”

Hydrogen can be created here in the UK and stored, ready to be used during peak demand for energy – and Redcar was chosen by NGN due to plans to produce green hydrogen locally. Hydrogen can be pumped through existing gas pipes, with limited disruption and additional cost.

Using hydrogen for heat retains choice for customer and offers an option to those who are unable to electrify, either due to financial or space constraints.

More generally, the Government has highlighted that the hydrogen economy could be worth £900 million by 2030 and create over 9,000 jobs across the whole of the UK.

Notes to editors:

  • The Gross Value Added (GVA) impact was estimated using the latest forecast of lifetime spend for the project with a conservative economic multiplier of 1.75 based on New Economics Foundation LM3 Modelling. Assuming 85% of this would benefit the Tees Valley with the remainder benefiting the UK – resulting in a Tees Valley GVA impact of approximately £300 million over ten years.
  • For jobs, this was calculated using the North East Local Enterprise Partnership modelling which links GVA impact to jobs created. Even using the most conservative utilities ratio, a £300m GVA impact suggests job a creation of approximately 1,200. With a conservative 75% deadweight, this resulted in 300 expected new good quality jobs for the area that are likely to endure. As above, this represents a minimum impact and that further job creation is likely due to leveraged opportunities.
  • bp’s HyGreen Teesside will supply NGN with green hydrogen.
  • The above does not include GVA and jobs from:
    • NGN Cannon Park recruitment and training of hydrogen competencies.
    • Redcar and Cleveland College hydrogen training facilities and potential Department for Education Funding opportunities (unique in UK).
    • Further leveraged investment opportunities for local industry and domestically from hydrogen.


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Northern Gas Networks to carry out essential upgrade work to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply at Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough – Important Update


Steven Storey, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We apologise for inconvenience caused by an additional road closure as part of these works. This is due to temporary traffic lights not working, we have therefore had to move from 5-way lights to 4-way.

“We were trying to avoid the road closure but as the traffic lights are not working, we deemed, in agreement with Middlesborough Council that the road closure was necessary to ensure that safety remains the first priority.

“We have organised pedestrians crossing lights to be changed so that they stay on for an extra 5 seconds for people to cross and our traffic management team is present at the site from 7am to 7pm so where possible they will help guide people across.

“We thank customers for their patience as we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as possible.”


For further information about the work please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.


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Local community projects will receive £20,000 worth of funding as NGN reopens the Redcar Hydrogen Community Fund for 2023


Following the success of last year’s Redcar Hydrogen Community Fund, which saw nine brilliant Redcar-based community groups sharing funding grants from Northern Gas Networks (NGN), we have decided to reopen the scheme this year.

From today, innovative social and environmental projects that are benefitting the local community in Warrenby and Coatham will be able to bid for grants of between £500 and £5,000, making up a total of £20,000.

We’ve seen firsthand just how important the Redcar community is to its residents – and we want the Redcar Hydrogen Village to bring lasting benefits to the area. This includes significant investment and job creation, as well as home improvements for those participating in the project. The reopening of the fund is an additional pot of cash that will directly help those doing what they can to improve the community.

The grants awarded last year have helped projects such as food and fuel kits for those in poverty, a community arts programme and a litter clearing scheme.

To be eligible for the funding, organisations must address any of the following issues:

  • Offering advice services for people struggling with finances, homelessness or unemployment;
  • Addressing a local social issue;
  • Improving the local environment or community spaces;
  • Offering support to those with physical impairments or mental health conditions;
  • Providing education and training.

The projects must be able to prove their benefits to Warrenby, Coatham and Kirleatham but can also be for the wider Redcar area.

Applications are now open and will close on 15 September – to apply, please follow the link to find the information and download the application form



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Northern Gas Networks welcomes Mayor of West Yorkshire to Leeds Headquarters at Thorpe Park


With its emphasis on attracting apprentices to the business and with its focus on greener alternatives to power West Yorkshire’s homes and businesses, NGN meets with ally, Mayor of West Yorkshire Tracy Brabin who shares the company’s goals to improve skills for young people and make the region greener and sustainable. 

Mark Horsley, CEO, NGN, and his team welcomed the Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin to meet the company’s apprentices and discuss the company’s strategy on greener alternatives to power the region. 

In 2022, NGN provided an employment boost for the region’s young jobseekers after expanding and enhancing its popular apprenticeship scheme. NGN regularly took on gas and maintenance operatives with a passion for problem solving and technical innovation for multi-year on the job apprentice placements, but NGN went further and recruited seven new business support administrator apprentices on two-year placements as part of its commitment to increasing social mobility. This recruitment drive is a move that chimes with the mayor’s push to empower local people with the skillsthey need for a fulfilling career. 

Lili Vastel, Customer Experience apprentice said: “I am really enjoying my apprenticeship at Northern Gas Networks. I feel that I am learning a lot, I work across our customer, stakeholder, and communications teams. I feel that I am learning a lot about how the business works but also about the impact it has on people, which is a good one. The business is trying hard to plan and contribute to a greener economy. I feel that in the 7 months I have been with NGN I have already developed so many skills that will support my career ambitions.” 

Keeping 2.7 million homes and businesses cooking on gas is a resource intensive business, it’s NGN’s responsibility therefore to reduce its day-to-day carbon footprint, while helping green, alternative fuels to flourish. The senior team was delighted therefore to share with Mayor Brabin some of its green initiatives.  Aligned to the mayor’s drive to make public transport greener and more accessible, N-Gen and Hygen showcased their flagship decarbonisation project in Bradford with First Bus which will drive NetZero in the region. 

Mark Horsley, CEO, NGN said: “I would like to thank the Mayor of West Yorkshire for visiting our offices. It was fantastic that we could share with her the work NGN is doing around skills, jobs, and net-zero across West Yorkshire. It was also very inciteful to hear more about Mayor Brabin’s aspirations for the region, it seems we have many shared priorities and ambitions.” 

Mayor of West Yorkshire, Tracy Brabin said:  

“We are creating more skilled jobs for young people to thrive in West Yorkshire.
“It was good to hear how these bright young apprentices are using this opportunity to get involved in the company’s green initiatives.
“This is how we’ll shape a brighter, stronger future for our region.”





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Northern Gas Networks to carry out essential upgrade work to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply at Ormesby Road, Middlesbrough


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England, is carrying out essential work to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers at Ormesby Road, in Middlesbrough.

The ageing metal pipework is now being replaced by new, more durable, plastic pipes to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas to customers now, while getting the network ready to carry alternative cleaner forms of energy in the future.

The project is due to start on 31st July and is expected to last for five weeks. It has been planned in collaboration with Middlesbrough Borough Council and will be carried out at the junction of Longlands Road.

So that engineers can complete the work safely and efficiently, and to protect members of the public, some traffic management measures will be introduced.

From 31st July, multi-way temporary traffic lights will be placed at the junction of Ormesby Road, Longlands Road and Kings Road, and lane closures on Longlands Road.

These measures will be in place for the full duration of the project. It’s expected that this will impact journey times so motorists are advised to allow extra time for travel.

Steven Storey, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works. However, it is vital we complete them in order to continue to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply to this part of Middlesbrough.

“We thank customers for their patience as we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as possible.”

For further information about the work please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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NGN to carry out essential gas network upgrade on the A66, Middlesbrough


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England, is carrying out essential work to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in Middlesbrough.


The ageing metal pipework is now being replaced by new, more durable, plastic pipes to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas to customers now, while getting the network ready to carry greener forms of energy in the future.


The work is planned to take place on the A66 from Monday  7th August 2023 and is expected to last three weeks. The project has been planned in collaboration with Middlesbrough Borough Council, scheduled to be carried out during the school summer holidays due to reduced traffic on the roads.

So that engineers can complete the work safely and efficiently, and to protect members of the public, some traffic management measures will be introduced.

From 7th August, temporary lane closures will be placed on the A66 eastbound and west bound between the junctions of Whitworth Road and Eston Road. These will be in place for the full duration of the project.

Andrew Rodda, Operations Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works. However, it is vital we complete them in order to continue to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply to the residents of Middlesbrough.

“We thank customers for their patience during this time as we look to complete the project as safely and quickly as possible.”

For further information about the work please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks to carry out essential upgrade work to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply on Boldon Lane in South Shields


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England, is carrying out essential work to ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in Boldon Lane, South Shields.

The ageing metal pipework is now being replaced by new, more durable plastic pipes, to ensure a safe and reliable supply of gas to customers now while getting the network ready to transport alternative greener fuels in the future.

The work will start on Monday 24th July and is expected to last for 12 weeks. It has been planned in collaboration with South Tyneside Council.

So that engineers can carry out the work safely and efficiently, and to protect the public, some traffic management measures will be put in place.

To protect our teams and members of the public, a rolling traffic light system will be introduced that will follow the works as they progress on Boldon Lane. Signs will be displayed for motorists.

While the majority of the work will be carried out in the street, engineers will need to access some customer properties to complete the project and ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas.

James Knox, Business Operations Lead for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during these essential works. However, it is vital we complete them in order to continue to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply to the residents of South Shields.

“We want to assure residents and road users that we will be working hard to complete this essential scheme as safely and as quickly as possible.”

For further information about the work please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk.

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.

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Northern Gas Networks carrying out essential upgrade to maintain a safe and reliable gas supply in Kippax


Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England, is carrying out an essential upgrade of the gas network on Leeds Road, Kippax from Wednesday 26th July.

The project is part of NGN’s ongoing development of infrastructure and will involve replacing existing metal gas mains with more durable plastic pipes. This will ensure the continued safe and reliable supply of gas to customers in the area for years to come.

The ageing main has undergone several recent emergency repairs, so has now been prioritised for urgent replacement.

The six-week project will begin at the junction of Gibson Lane and complete at the junction of Valley Road Kippax having been planned in conjunction with Leeds City Council to take place during the school summer holidays to minimise any impact to customers.

In order for our engineers to carry out the work safely and efficiently, and to protect members of the public, it will be necessary to have two-way traffic signals in place which will be monitored daily to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.

Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times and our engineers will be working Monday – Friday.

Steve Taylor, Site Manager for Northern Gas Networks, said: “We have worked closely with Leeds City Council to plan these essential works.

“We’d like to apologise for any inconvenience customers may encounter and thank everyone for their support as we work to complete this project as safely and quickly as possible.”

Anyone who smells gas should call the National Gas Emergency phone line on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

For further information about the project please contact NGN’s Customer Care Team on 0800 040 7766 or email: customercare@northerngas.co.uk

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Statement Stamfordham Road, Newcastle


Michael Pratt, Operations Manager at Northern Gas Networks (NGN) said: “I can confirm that we are dealing with some emergency gas works on Stamfordham Road, we have however, located the source of the gas escape and we are beginning to fix the pipe concerned.”

“We have a road closure in place to allow excavation works to take place while allowing drivers to pass safely. The whole road is closed so drivers are unable to pass.

“At this moment, we cannot give a timescale of how long it will take to resolve the problem. Please be assured however we are working as quickly and as safely as possible.”

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.


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