You told us:
Provide support to all individuals in vulnerable situations, including residents who are ‘off grid’.
So we will:
We will actively promote and seek out members of our communities who are eligible for the Priorities Services Register, targeting an additional 5,000 registrations per year. We will also deliver enhanced services such a offering a dedicated hotline for any customer registered on the PSR, or anyone who might identify themselves as vulnerable.
You told us:
Meet or exceed the number of fuel poor gas connections provided in during RIIO-1.
So we will:
We will commit to a minimum 1000, and have an ambition to deliver 2000, off-grid, fuel-poor customers per annum over the RIIO-2 period by connecting them to the gas network, saving them £350 per year on their energy bills. This is a compromise area in our plan.
You told us:
Ensure that when you deliver a free gas connection it benefits the customer in the form of lower bills.
So we will:
We have set ourselves what we believe is a realistic target based upon the narrowing definition of who can qualify for the scheme.
We will offer a suite of additional support to households receiving free gas connections during the
same visit. We have committed to only claiming the full allowance for what we do should the desired customer benefit be achieved. This will be applied to 500 fuel poor connections per year.
You told us:
Continue to focus on raising relatively low levels of awareness of carbon monoxide.
So we will:
We will continue our important CO safety and awareness programme. This service will be available to all customers and not just those identified as vulnerable. We have promised to deliver 10,000 CO surveys per year.
You told us:
Provide advice or referrals on energy efficiency in addition to carbon monoxide awareness when undertaking day to day activities.
So we will:
Our first-call engineers will make every contact with customers count by delivering bespoke energy efficiency advice and referrals to 1,000 customers per year.
You told us:
Deliver support and key messages through effective and trusted collaboration with other partners, taking care to avoid duplication with other utilities or social services.
So we will:
We will continue to support our unique Community Partnering scheme. Launched in 2015, we initially made £50,000 available for charities to bid for, that would both meet our core strategic objectives and also respond to the needs of the specific charity.
We will also train 100 community partners per year in CO; PSR; and energy efficiency in order to reach a wide range of customers.
You told us:
Provide bespoke, relevant support that is driven by individual circumstances, such as relief from financial hardship.
So we will:
We occasionally serve customers who are in desperate need of direct financial help. For these customers, we will set up a hardship fund of £150,000 per year, in partnership with similar schemes. Access to this fund will have a strict set of criteria, to ensure that we are not duplicating any other available funding streams.
You told us:
Offer bespoke support to vulnerable customers during supply interruptions
So we will:
We have enhanced the service offerings that we have available during supply interruption incidents, including a Major Incident Support Framework, and set timescales for the provision of each of these services.
You told us:
Give vulnerability training equal importance to the safety and technical competency training provided to your first-call engineers
So we will:
We will create a Customer and Social Competency Framework, to mirror the existing framework for safety and technical competencies. We will develop this in collaboration with National Energy Action and the Institute of Customer Service.
You told us:
Continue to support your staff to take up 2 days paid leave to volunteer in the community to support a range of relevant causes.
So we will:
We will continue our policy which enables our staff to take two days’ paid leave each year to undertake volunteering activities in the local community. At least one day will be dedicated to supporting our social priorities e.g. carbon monoxide awareness and tackling fuel poverty.