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Following the success of last year’s Redcar Hydrogen Community Fund, which saw nine brilliant Redcar-based community groups sharing funding grants from Northern Gas Networks (NGN), we have decided to reopen the scheme this year.

From today, innovative social and environmental projects that are benefitting the local community in Warrenby and Coatham will be able to bid for grants of between £500 and £5,000, making up a total of £20,000.

We’ve seen firsthand just how important the Redcar community is to its residents – and we want the Redcar Hydrogen Village to bring lasting benefits to the area. This includes significant investment and job creation, as well as home improvements for those participating in the project. The reopening of the fund is an additional pot of cash that will directly help those doing what they can to improve the community.

The grants awarded last year have helped projects such as food and fuel kits for those in poverty, a community arts programme and a litter clearing scheme.

To be eligible for the funding, organisations must address any of the following issues:

  • Offering advice services for people struggling with finances, homelessness or unemployment;
  • Addressing a local social issue;
  • Improving the local environment or community spaces;
  • Offering support to those with physical impairments or mental health conditions;
  • Providing education and training.

The projects must be able to prove their benefits to Warrenby, Coatham and Kirleatham but can also be for the wider Redcar area.

Applications are now open and will close on 15 September – to apply, please follow the link to find the information and download the application form
