If you smell gas or are worried about gas safety, call 0800 111 999 at any time of the day or night. Find out what to do if you think you have a gas emergency.

Customer Care Team
Telephone 0800 040 7766

Email the Customer Care Team at customercare@northerngas.co.uk

Connections Team
Telephone 0800 040 7766

Email the Connections Team at gasconnections@northerngas.co.uk

Press Office
Telephone 0113 322 7950

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Smell Gas?
0800 111 999
Day or night
Non-emergency calls
Customer Care Team
0800 040 7766

The North of England’s gas distributor, Northern Gas Networks (NGN), has launched its annual creative safety competition to raise awareness of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning.


All the UK’s gas distribution networks – Northern Gas Networks, Cadent, SGN and Wales & West Utilities – are looking for entries from children aged between five and 11, in any form of media, such as eye-catching cartoons, videos, models, short stories or poems that are informative and accurate in warning of the dangers of CO poisoning.


Tom Bell, Chair of the GDN CO Best Practice Group said:  “The GDNs are committed to raising awareness of CO and are pleased to launch the safety competition for 2020 – a key activity in highlighting the dangers of CO poisoning in schools, homes and workplaces across Great Britain


“Every year the GDNs are further impressed by the level of understanding and creativity that goes into making the competition entries and are encouraged that the CO safety message reaches not only the students, but their friends and families in the community as well.


”The competition will be run on a regional level by each GDN, until Wednesday 30th September 2020. It is open to students in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 (ages 5 – 11) across Great Britain.


Winners from each region will be invited to a special award ceremony to be held in  October 2020, where the national winner will be announced. All winners will receive a prize for themselves and for their school.


Key Information:

All competition entries are to be submitted to COSafetyCompetition@energynetworks.org

For more information on the competition visit the ENA website

For competition Terms & Conditions see the ENA website

Anyone that smells gas or suspects carbon monoxide should call the National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. This line is in operation 24-hours a day, seven days a week.